Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-24-2014 1:40 PMRandom Fight: Albertosaurus vs Allosaurus
Codename: Phantom
Phantom is a two and a half ton Albertosaurus. He's large for his species. This is because he tends to attack and disappear before his target knows where it was even hit, leaving him out of harm's way. Phantom is one of the most successful predators on either islands, and even the largest of predators fear him.
Codename: Razor
Razor is a three ton male Allosaurus. He's the most successful Allosaur on both islands. Razor attacks with his claws, and his teeth are glide through flesh, leaving long slashes. While his bite doesn't cause extreme blood loss, it distracts his target as he attacks from the opposite side with his claws.
Phantom is out hunting. He's sticking to the heavy brush because he blends in. The only telltale sign he's there is his eyes, which are a bright yellow as opposed to the rest of his body, black and dark green. He makes little sound as he walks through the bushes, the occasional twig snapping being the only sound that can be heard beyond ten feet.
Razor is searching for a territory. His old territory was taken by a Giganotosaurus. Razor had wanted to fight, but the risk wouldn't be worth it, and he wouldn't have lasted very long anyway. He walked into Phantom's territory and walked down the centre of the plain, roaring as he did, claiming the territory as his own.
Phantom saw the Allosaurus, and he almost hissed as Razor started walking in his direction. Phantom slowed down and stopped, not taking his eyes off Razor. Phantom had stopped moving completely, his only movement being his chest as he breathed. Razor stopped about twenty feet short of the edge, and he started looking over the area. It was an ideal spot to ambush from, and he saw a spot that was worn down. It looked like another predator used this spot often.
Phantom was staring at the Allosaurus, figuring out what to do if he was spotted. Razor was looking at the area still, and he thought he saw something. He hissed and backed off, but the was no response from Phantom. He stepped closer, and he saw Phantom's eyes. He looked Phantom dead in the eye and roared. Phantom roared back as he stepped out of the treeline, and both predators looked at each other confidently.
They started walking in circles. What quickly stood out to Razor was Phantom's lack of scars. There wasn't a scratch on his body, not a single tooth was missing, and the green and black of his skin faded into the other without a clear definition of where one colour began, and the other started. It stood out to Phantom that Razor was experienced. Razor was covered in scars, he was missing a few teeth, and his claws were worn down from use. Neither predator lost confidence, and Razor glanced at the cliff about forty feet away from them. Phantom knew what Razor just saw, and he growled in anticipation.
Razor mock charged, and Phantom stepped back. Razor saw it as inexperience, and he charged. Phantom sidestepped, biting Razor's neck and forcing him to the ground. Razor slid about twenty feet, and when he stood up, Phantom was gone. Razor backed away from the treeline, and Phantom watched from where he was standing. Phantom knew the area well, and there was a rock that was over twenty feet high. He was standing on it, amused as Razor was scanning the treeline.
Razor looked behind him, and he saw the cliff wasn't as big as he expected, maybe a twenty foot drop into some bushes. There was also a small section where there was no vegetation, just a large, flat rock. It didn't look like anything special. Razor turned around when he heard some bushes rustle, and he looked in the direction of the sound. He saw the rock that Phantom had been on, but now he was gone. He walked closer to the treeline and looked for Phantom. Phantom was no where to be seen.
After several minutes, Phantom opened his eyes and looked around. Razor had his back turned to him, and he stood up before rushing forward. Razor heard something, and he turned around in time to see Phantom running full speed toward him. There wasn't enough time for him to react as Phantom slammed into him, knocking both predators to the ground. Phantom was up first, and he jumped at Razor, ready to finish him off.
Razor saw Phantom in the air and got ready to kick him. When Phantom was close, Razor lashed out, knocking Phantom off course and cutting the left side of his chest. Phantom landed and rolled. When he stood up, he felt something warm trickling down his chest. This was the first time Phantom had ever been cut by another dinosaur. Phantom threw caution to the wind and charged. Razor saw Phantom coming and sidestepped. He was about to jump onto Phantom's back, but he was going too fast and Razor landed on the ground behind him.
Razor looked at Phantom, and he had turned around. He roared as Razor charged, and he started running as well. Razor lowered his head, ready to headbutt Phantom, but Phantom had a different idea. When they were within twenty feet of each other, Phantom jumped and sailed over Razor's back. Razor slowed down and stopped before turning around. He saw Phantom had done the same, and he was amazed by Phantom's agility.
Phantom growled as he started walking to the side. He was making a wide circle around Razor, trying to get Razor to charge and fall over the ledge. Phantom was standing right on the edge, and he looked at the rock for a minute. He knew if anything got the rock to move a little, it would give out and cause a rockslide.
Razor knew Phantom wanted him to do something, but he wasn't sure what. He figured the rock was a little more important than he first thought. He mock charged, and Phantom didn't react. Phantom had no reason to react, he was over forty feet away, so there was plenty of time if he needed to move. Razor knew that a regular mock charge would be useless, so he decided to try something a bit unconventional.
Razor roared and ran at Phantom, but stopped a few feet short. It worked, and Phantom had jumped to the side and lunged for where he thought Razor would be. Razor charged before Phantom could regroup, and he bit his neck. Phantom roared as he was being pushed, and Razor shoved him off the edge. Phantom landed in his feet and rolled when he hit the ground, and he looked up at Razor. He roared, and Razor roared back.
Phantom was looking at Razor with nothing but confidence. He knew if Razor wanted to do anything to him, he'd have to come down. In the time it would take Razor to get down, he figured that he would be able to get into position to shove him into the rock. Razor knew Phantom had an idea, and he didn't like the way Phantom was looking at him. Several minutes went by, and there was nothing from either. Phantom got bored and turned around to look at the rock. It was fairly sturdy, and he even headbutted it. The rock didn't budge.
Razor decided to jump down and attack while Phantom was distracted, but Phantom was expecting Razor to jump down at any moment and turned around before Razor hit the ground. Razor hissed at Phantom, and Phantom growled in anticipation for what he was hoping would happen. Razor charged, and Phantom sidestepped. He bit Razor's neck and used his momentum to keep him going toward the rock. Razor went shoulder first into the rock, and he stepped back as it tumbled down. Just as Phantom expected, the ground all around the rock gave out. Both predators watched the ground crumble before them, and they stood on flat ground.
Razor roared at Phantom, and Phantom backed away. The ground, including the slopes, was solid now. There was nothing but rock all around them, and the rockslide had gotten some attention. Two loud roars were heard, and Phantom was the first to react. Phantom ran around Razor and then turned around. Razor knew what the roars were from, but he thought they were about to fight each other. Phantom knew what was coming, and he put Razor between himself and the oncoming super predators.
Razor roared as he charged at Phantom, and Phantom sidestepped. Razor could tell Phantom was worried, so he figured if he could slow Phantom down enough, he'd find out why. Phantom took his turn to charge, and Razor shoulder checked him. Phantom hit the ground and Razor stumbled back, but Razor was back quickly. He lunged for Phantom, but Phantom was fast. Phantom rolled out of the way and stood up, and Razor looked at him for a second before lunging. Phantom stumbled back, and he stopped just short of the edge.
Phantom looked down the ledge for a minute. It was a two hundred foot drop, and Raptors were starting to search the rockslide for what caused it, figuring the animal was dead or dying. They looked up, and they all screeched at Phantom. Razor heard the Raptors, and he charged while Phantom was distracted. The roars were heard again, and Razor stopped. Phantom looked in the direction they came from. Razor and Phantom both backed off.
Coming along the ledge, were the two most feared species on the island. Shoulder to shoulder, a Tyrannosaurus Rex walked alongside a Spinosaurus. Both were massive. Both were over seven tons in weight, and they took up almost the whole ledge, about ten feet of space was open for something to dare try and slide between them. Phantom backed off, slowly, and Razor did the same. Phantom turned to run, and he had his eye on one spot in particular. Razor saw it was a way back to the top. They both ran full speed toward it, and Razor tripped Phantom. Phantom looked up as Razor got to the top, and he had rolled too far to go back to the slope, as the Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus had just passed it.
Phantom hissed in anger and frustration as he backed off. Razor watched what was happening, and he was entertained by his opponent's fear. The Tyrannosaurus growled, and the Spinosaurus hissed back. They both picked up speed as Phantom turned around, and he ran off. Pretty soon, he hit a dead end. He looked for an escape, but there wasn't one. He turned around, and the Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus were less than fifty feet away. Razor watched what was happening, thinking he had the fight won. Phantom mock charged, and the Spinosaurus lunged.
Phantom didn't expect the Spinosaurus to lunge so soon, and he wasn't able to take advantage of the situation. The Tyrannosaurus stepped forward and bent down to get a closer look at Phantom. Phantom looked the Tyrannosaurus dead in the eye and roared defiantly. The super predators didn't expect that, but the Tyrannosaurus lunged. Phantom sidestepped and jumped onto the Tyrannosaur's back. He jumped again and quickly got away from the edge. The Spinosaurus had bit the Tyrannosaur's back by accident when he tried to get Phantom, and the Tyrannosaurus snapped back. The Spinosaurus was about to start fighting back, but the Tyrannosaurus grunted and turned around.
Razor looked at Phantom, and Phantom roared. The fight would end now. Both charged, and they both jumped. They collided in mid air, but Phantom kicked Razor, knocking him back. Razor landed on his side and rolled toward the edge, and Phantom landed on his side. He was winded, but he stood up and looked at Razor. Razor was starting to stand, and he charged. Razor looked up in time to see Phantom running at him. Razor sidestepped, and Phantom ran right past him. Phantom slowed down, and Razor started shoving him. Phantom roared as he tried to get out of Razor's grip, but it was useless. Razor shoved Phantom over the edge, leaving him to the mercy of the super predators. Phantom stood up, looked at them, and turned and ran away before they could decide what to do. Both of them started running after Phantom, and Razor watched until they disappeared around the bend. Razor roared, claiming the territory as his own, and he lied down in the treeline.
Several years later, Razor is sleeping on a volcano. The volcano hasn't erupted in years, but it's still active. The slopes are a predator's paradise, trees everywhere, and herbivores are always plentiful. A stream runs down it not too far from where Razor usually sleeps, and very few predators ever show up, the slopes being too much for the large predators. Razor woke up to an all too familiar roar, and he went to investigate.
Winner........ Razor
Larger and stronger, a little luck won this in the end for the Allosaurus.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 1:43 PMWow that was one hell of a fight! Suprised by he winner. Wasn't rooting for ether.
"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo"
"Jurassic park: The Lost World"

MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2014 1:56 PMExcelletn fight Mr. Happy, Razor won, and I was rooting for him. S-P, then just make fights this long.

MemberAllosaurusAug-24-2014 2:11 PMSave your fights on a Word Document, Google Drive, and then just save constantly, then paste it into the discussion page. It's what I do.

Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-24-2014 4:00 PMThanks guys.
SP, what 401 said, write it in a word document and then copy and paste it to the text box for the discussion.
Jack of all trades. Master of none

MemberCompsognathusAug-24-2014 5:02 PMAwesome fight! Rooting for Razor. I love that cliff-hanger at the end. I'm suspecting a sequel
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

MemberTriceratopsAug-25-2014 9:08 AMPretty good fight. Love how they managed to scare off superpredators before turning to face each other again.

indiana jones
MemberCompsognathusSep-10-2014 2:06 PMi was routing for the albertosaurus
"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom

indiana jones
MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2014 7:26 AMactuallly i think in real life the alberto would win, but its your story
"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom